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 Goal Achievement
& Training Specialists

Where are we Going?
How do we get There?
How do we inspire our Team?
Can we seize New Opportunities?

The Advantage..

Who is

After the publishing of “Who Made These Stupid Rules?”, was founded upon one simple thought… Opportunities are all around us. Everywhere… Always… We simply have to keep our eyes open, foster new ideas - Lead by Example, Grow through Experience, and Motivate through Innovation. We have built our workshops, training programs, & speaking events on the concepts of "Seizing Every Opportunity" to help other businesses acheive their own success.

We are passionate about growth and helping others succeed. We want to help you achieve your goals, define your targets, remove obstacles, improve your processes, and ultimately exceed your own expectations. Passion Drives Results

We strive to make things easy in this difficult world. We invite you to “Try” our approach through one of our Fast Start Packages to test our dedication, innovation, and build your own Road Map to Success. Contact us today to see the difference we can make… 

On-Demand Virtual Workshops

Streaming On-Demand Webinars & Virtual Workshops work on Your Time for Your Team... 

7-Day Unlimited View License per Location allows you to Start, Pause, Discuss, Resume to achieve your best results... This gives you the solutions you need on your time... Tangible Solutions to grow your Sales Success and Motivate your Team to exceed their goals...

Custom Team Workshops

Have a specific Challenge or Goal to address?
Build your Own "Stupid Rules" Workshop

Have a specific Challenge to Address?
New Projects to complete? New Regulations? From Marketing & Sales, Leadership & Team Building, GoalRipple has your Team covered to help drive your team to success, remove obstacles to growth, and inspire toward results.

Sliced Bread 1-Hr Workshop

Inspiration Drives Results...
We Inspire Your Team to Achieve Your Goal...

Finding Possibilities, Thinking Differently, Solving Problems, Learing Together, Building your Team on a firm foundation for growth and shared experiences. This Workshop Series will inspire your team to exceed their expectations,

"Who Made These Stupid Rules?"

The "Typically A-Typical" View of Life,
Business, Sales, Motivation & Goals

Break through the "Stupid Rules" that hold us back from achieving our goals, growth, and reaching our fullest potential.

 "A Fun, Witty, & Insightful Read..."

"Who Made These Stupid Rules?"

Available now on Amazon, and Barnes & Noble

by Adam M. Brest

Break through the "Stupid Rules" that hold us back from achieving our goals, growth, and reaching our fullest potential. "Who Made these Stupid Rules" is a ground-breaking new approach to success, life, motivation, goals, sales, and leadership. It's a MUST READ for anyone at any point in their career - filled with humor, insight, personal stories and analogies to keep you engaged and smiling from cover to cover...

Asking the Right Questions
Create your Sliced Bread Moment
Align your Goals & Build a Team of Allies
Personability & Motivation
Stop Searching for Pig #3

We love hearing from you. Send us your review, thoughts, and ideas about the book and we will include it in our Review Scroll.

We've heard from so many people so far about how they are removing "Stupid Rules" from their daily lives, both in their careers and at home... "Who Made These Stupid Rules?" will become the standard for business and motivation... Join our movement and seize the opportunity... 

"THE book that we all wish our managers would read, and that all managers wish their employees would read. I wish I had known these practical concepts when I was starting my career decades ago."


              - S.L, Systems Engineering MGR

"FINALLY the key to the crucial questions - How do we communicate with, engage, and retain the next generation of employees? Adam's insight blows the door open for all who are willing to leave their preconceived ideas behind and step into the future. An enjoyable, witty commentary that is a mind-changing MUST READ.."
             - K.D., Business Development MGR 
